This plug-in can easily convert any colored image into a B&W greyscale image. It uses the the HTML5 canvas tag and a fallback for the old browsers
1 Include the plug into the page:
<script src="js/jQuery.BlackAndWhite.js"></script>
2 Set the image wrappers using the css:
.bwWrapper {
3 Initialize the plug:
hoverEffect : true, // default true
// set the path to BnWWorker.js for a superfast implementation
webworkerPath : false,
// to invert the hover effect
invertHoverEffect: false,
// this option works only on the modern browsers ( on IE lower than 9 it remains always 1)
speed: { //this property could also be just speed: value for both fadeIn and fadeOut
fadeIn: 200, // 200ms for fadeIn animations
fadeOut: 800 // 800ms for fadeOut animations
onImageReady:function(img) {
// this callback gets executed anytime an image is converted